Friday, January 3, 2020

Rationale For The National Guidelines For Vaccine Storage

QUESTION 1 Define the cold chain and identify the most important aspects of cold chain management in the work place, including the management and reporting of a cold chain breach. Analyse the rationale for the national guidelines for vaccine storage. The cold chain is the system of transporting and storing vaccines within the safe temperature range of +2 °C to +8 °C (ATAGI 2013: 24 ). It has to be continuous from the time the vaccine is manufactured, to storage, and finally - administration. A cold chain breach happens when the vaccine storage temperatures exceed the recommended range for over 15 minutes. Possible causes include a power outage, the fridge door being left open, being accidentally unplugged, over-filled fridge, faulty†¦show more content†¦In the event of a cold chain breach, immediately isolate the vaccines and label Do not use, and ensure that it gets stored in the right temperature, then inform your manager of the situation and contact the NSW Health department as soon as possible to seek advice. Also provide all the pertinent information when you report the breach like the type of refrigerator used, any cold chain monitors (CCMs) stored with the vaccines, expiry date and whether the vaccines are still in their original packaging. If people have been vaccinated using this batch, it may be necessary to contact them for revaccination. QUESTION 2 Discuss the nurse’s role in relation to: †¢ Professional responsibility when vaccinating under the Authority for Registered Nurses (NSW Ministry of Health PD 008_033). Nurses from interstate please refer to the current legislation in your state or territory. †¢ Pre-vaccination screening †¢ Valid consent †¢

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